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The Ropeadope Cultural Center

Over our 21 years we have always found this hard to answer. A record label, a clothing brand, a media company, a support network for independent musicians are all outside definitions that come to mind. None can fully define us as we evolve in our fast changing world, and so we now set sail on a further mission that will define our intent and principles for the next decade, using new Web3 tools.

Introducing The Ropeadope Cultural Center: a multi phase approach to web3 that brings ALL members of our community together. From our new Discord channel that puts listeners and artists in the same space, to our new social token $DOPE, to our new VR space (The Ropeadope Lounge), each piece has the intent and ability to draw us closer to one community where listeners can interact with and directly support independent musicians.

Read the full story here, with step by step instructions to get access.

Ropeadope represents the intersection of creatives and listeners. We are a meeting point for creative humans: music makers, music listeners, social justice advocates, and people seeking a more harmonious world. We are a gallery, a museum, a lounge and gathering place. Art is the calling card, the point of common interest that brings us together. Our network reaches around the world, strengthening our connection with each other and our common interests.

The last 20+ years of internet (Web2) promised us a more connected world, and yet it has divided many and become a flood of information that obliterates distinction. It is also a very isolating experience in that each of us is generally alone while browsing web pages and social media feeds. Web3 tools give us an opportunity to revisit local human gatherings in a new way. The gallery, the community center, the record shop, the cultural center. Places where we met around similar interest and experienced music, art, and culture. The Ropeadope Cultural Center aims to be that ‘place’, with its own economy that supports art in a more egalitarian way.